Feng Shui consultation

The secret to happiness is to acknowledge and transform suffering, not to run away from it.  “No Mud, No Lotus”  is a famous quote by Thich Nhat Hanh (Zen Master and global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist).  This photo was taken at the beautiful gardens of the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain where I visited in the summer of 2018 and this close up photograph reminds me of his famous teachings.

The secret to happiness is to acknowledge and transform suffering, not to run away from it. “No Mud, No Lotus” is a famous quote by Thich Nhat Hanh (Zen Master and global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist). This photo was taken at the beautiful gardens of the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain where I visited in the summer of 2018 and this close up photograph reminds me of his famous teachings.

What Feng Shui can do for you

  • Will guide energetic awareness in one's surroundings and is the art of placement to enhance the way you feel in your space.

  • Starting fresh?  Or needing an energetic lift?  I can help you to make the most out of your space and have your surroundings support you moving forward.

  • My learned approach is modern, easy to follow and utilizes the Bagua map which is more suited to urban settings.  I work with you and your space suggesting enhancements along by energetically clearing blockages and guide intentions to flow to you within your space for a greater sense of well-being. 

  • Identify the 9 life areas based on the baqua map tool and we collaborate on intentions for these 9 life areas applied to your floor plan. Picture your floor plan as a 3D vision board.

  • The approach is based on pinpointing changes that will provide the most dramatic impact and allow for greater provide more flow helping lift stagnant energy within rooms and outdoor spaces. We work together to open up the space by removing what is no longer serving you and allowing opportunities for new things/experiences to flow into your space that will reflect what you want moving forward.

  • The consultation takes anywhere between 2 - 4 hours depending on the size of the space. Consultation rate is based on square footage.  

I am a trained and certified 3rd generation Urban Feng Shui consultant who studied in NYC with the well-known author and highly respected Master Feng Shui Architect - RD Chin.  www.rdchin.com (My teacher, the most gentle and heart centered soul that I know).

Trained in the BTB Black Sect Tantric Buddhism School developed in the US in the mid-eighties by Grandmaster Thomas Lin Yun.   Feng Shui translates to wind and water, which in chinese culture is associated with good health. It represents a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account within spaces.

This is an ancient art and science that was developed with roots dating back 18,000 years ago from Tibet, then influences from India and China helped to shape this sacred practice and where it is today. 

My teacher Master RD Chin studied and was certified with Professor Grandmaster Lin Yun who moved to LA in the early 70's and is known as the founding father of Feng Shui in the west.   He taught at the Harvard Divinity School in Boston.  I studied and trained under Master RD Chin in NYC for my training and certification where I received teachings in both residences and commercial spaces.   I am considered a grandchild of the western teachings.

Studied and completion of two certificates from the University of Toronto:  'Foundations of Mindfulness Meditation' and specialization:  'Contemporary Applications of Mindfulness-Based Interventions' based on an in depth study of Buddhism application in the west, from the neuroscience connection to understanding self-compassion must come first. 

Studies also include 'Feng Shui for Real Estate' from the Canadian School of Feng Shui. Incorporation of Intuitive/Modern School Feng Shui that works with energy and intention.   This Buddhist approach is a westernized method which incorporates placement, and improving energetic flow, this can be  incorporated into design itself to clear blockages so that a positive energetic connection is created between you and your space.